Wellness Coaches are holistic health advisors who partner with you as you identify health goals, make realistic lifestyle changes, and move towards optimal health. Wellness Coaches help you take an honest look at what you are eating, teach you how to plan your daily nutrition, explore other areas impacting health-such as stress, and so much more! Let Wellness Coach, Suzy Lewis, BA, show you how to choose the right foods to fuel your body, gain more lean muscle and a re-program your metabolism. Suzy will help you reach long term success with your weight, health and wellness.
Individual Consultations – 1 hour: Discover the best ways to achieve your health goals during this personal, intimate consultation where we will evaluate your current lifestyle, identify your needs, and develop a plan specific to your goals.
Stress Assessment: Stress, in small amounts, can be motivating and productive. But excessive stress is crippling, and you may not even know it’s there. By taking a deeper look at the types of stress, the sources of stress and the levels of stress, you can create meaningful change to guard against the inevitable outcomes that stress can have on your health.
$80 (online assessment and 30-minute review consultation)
SHINEhealth Start Package: Discover the best ways to achieve your health goals during this personal consultation where we will evaluate your current lifestyle, identify your needs, and develop a customized plan to get you started toward your ideal health picture. You also will get access to my online course that has practical resources to make your busy life easier and make sense out of confusing health information. Choose from LEAN Start for families or Prime-Time Health for adults/seniors.
Pantry Makeover: 90-minute session in your home, or at the grocery store, teaching you how to read labels and setting you up for success in your kitchen. Includes traffic light eating tutorial that’s great for kids.
$125 (90-Minute Session in Your Home)
Fill out this online form to find out how Wellness Coaching can help you!
Skin Essentials offers the latest anti-aging, acne and stress reducing treatments delivering visible results in a friendly, professional environment. Skin Essentials philosophy is to help everyone have healthy looking skin, de-stress and recharge.
2559 W. Main St. Littleton, CO 80120